
帮你听了半个小时,终于一字不漏地搞定了。宣传片中艾克的全部台词为:People wasted a lot of time, and then wish for more. They want morehours in their days, more days in their years, more years in their lives. Asif they had all that extra time, they can fix anymistake. I don’t need hours ,days or years. I only need seconds. Here’s thething about time. If you can’t make the most out of it and give it a moment,you don’t deserve a single extra second.辛苦了这么久,希望20分能够给我。谢谢!


Blue - Don't Treat Me Like A Fool

It's been hard wakin' up, wakin' up to the truth

I've been so blind, couldn't see for love no.

Tried my best to ignore it, wish the pain away

But just like tomorrow, its coming round again.

So darling, please don't treat me like a fool.

It's been hard enough for me, getting over you

Darling please don't treat me like like you do

I'll be damned if I am gonna let ya

Damned if I don't forget ya

So please don't treat me - like a fool.

Thought I gave you the best, but it wasn't enough

You took advantage of my trusting heart

Tried my best to forgive, did my best to forget

I am done with the tears and there are no regrets.

So darling, please don't treat me like a fool.

It's been hard enough for me, getting over you

Darling please don't treat me like like you do

I'll be damned if I am gonna let ya

Damned if I don't forget ya

I know I'll be reaching out to touch you in the night

Holding on to the memories, Cos you're not here to hold me tight

You lied when you told me, It hurt to be apart

When all the lying you're doing is in someone else's arms.

So darling, please don't treat me like a fool.

It's been hard enough for me, getting over you

Darling please don't treat me like like you do

I'll be damned if I am gonna let ya

Damned if I don't forget ya


戏命师 烬 (我于杀戮之中盛放,一如黎明中的花朵)

海兽祭祀 俄洛伊 (说教无益,折断的骨头才是更好的课本)

永猎双子 千珏 (执子之魂 与子共生)

河流之王 塔姆 (叫我国王,叫我恶魔,河水会遗忘那些 已经被淹没的名字)

时间刺客 艾克 (时间 不在于你拥有多少 而在于你 怎样使用)

星界游神 巴德 无台词

虚空遁地兽 雷克塞 无台词

复仇之矛 卡莉斯塔 (所有背叛者都得)

沙漠皇帝 阿兹尔 (恕瑞玛,你的皇帝回来了)

迷失之牙 纳尔 (纳尔 喳喳)

弗雷尔卓德之心 布隆(我们可以开始了么?啊,全新的开始!)

虚空之眼 维克兹 (知识,来源于分解)

疾风剑豪 亚索 (亡如风 常伴吾身)

暴走萝莉 金克丝 (规则 就是用来打破的)

圣枪游侠 卢锡安 (人 终有一 而有些人则需要一点小小的帮助)

暗裔剑魔 亚托克斯 (这场战争将成为我的杰作啊)

冰霜女巫 丽桑卓 所有人都将臣服,只是时机未到 )

生化魔人 扎克 (我?为了战斗而生)

德玛西亚之翼 奎因 (正义 展翅翱翔)

魂锁典狱长 锤石 (我们要怎样进行这令人愉悦的折磨呢?)

皮城执法官 蔚 (先打一拳 打的时候再把问题问遍)

唤潮鲛姬 娜美 (我的命运 由我做主)

影流之主 劫 (无形之刃 最为致命)

蜘蛛女皇 伊莉丝 (蛛网之内 只有蜘蛛才会安然无恙)

虚空掠夺者 卡兹克 (改变 就是好事)

暗黑元首 辛德拉 (我的能量 无穷无尽)

傲之追猎者 雷恩加尔 (今晚 猎个痛快!)

皎月女神 黛安娜 (一轮新月 正在冉冉升起)

荆棘之兴 婕拉 (离花朵越近离荆棘越近 )

未来守护者 杰斯 (为了更美好的明天而战!)

荣耀行刑官 德莱文 (欢迎来到 德莱联盟!)

诺克萨斯之手 德莱厄斯 (只有我才能带领我们走向胜利)

惩戒之箭 韦鲁斯 (罪恶将知道 什么是痛苦)

战争之影 赫卡里姆 (见识一下 暗影岛之力吧)

仙灵女巫 露露 (见到你 很高兴)

无双剑姬 菲奥娜 (我渴望有价值的对手)

深海泰坦 诺提勒斯 (把他们拽过来)

爆破鬼才 吉格斯 (来 战个痛快)

凛冬之怒 瑟庄妮 (凛冬~)

机械先驱 维克托 (加入光荣的进化吧!)

九尾妖狐 阿狸 (我们心有灵犀 不是么?)

雷霆咆哮 沃利贝尔 (雄霸天下)

潮汐海灵 菲兹 (让我吃掉他们)






英雄联盟时间刺客艾克技能组合~还有瑞文.盲僧.的 要详细哦


People wasted a lot of time, and then wish for more. They want morehours in their days, more days in their years, more years in their lives. Asif they had all that extra time, they can fix anymistake. I don’t need hours ,days or years. I only need seconds. Here’s thething about time. If you can’t make the most out of it and give it a moment,you don’t deserve a single extra second.


艾克:weqaaa,反手的话wqer。e往后再回来,瑞文:erqwaqaqa,记住er一起可以顺发,瞎子你要把对面t回来最好是插眼wr3qq q回来或者打最大伤害则是插眼wqearq,t回来还可以qqr3然后w ,r3和插眼w可以换,不过还是最好r3这样他们不会3躲你r